
Every tuesday from 22:00 till 24:00 on DFM Radio. Plattegrond presents the Wasmachine
show with international guest, performances,  concert recordings, new alternative music,
freaky mashups hosted by Hakki Takki. Genres: bleep electro, music from arab, acid/rave,
melodic noise, film music, experimental pop/indie rock, tropical dance. Listen live to DFM
radio now or have a listen via the players:
Hakki Takki & Peter Quistgard – DJ_MASHUP_PSYCHOSES “Wasmachine Show” by hakkitakki

This show is supported with people from Lemon Communty, an organisation that collaborates
in different projects and events around alternative electronic music. This show exists for over
6 years, and is broadcasted from artists home, special event location, but  mostly from the
DFM studio in Amsterdam. Before the show called `error´, named after the party organisation

DFM RTV INT is the first webstation from The Netherlands. Starting 1996 and still ruling with
it’s independent noncommercial internet broadcast pioneering. DFM Members broadcast live
from their home studios, from special locations like alternative bars, parties, bigger events or
from the DFM studio in Amsterdam.

listen: now
previous casts:

<object height=”81″ width=”100%”> <param name=”movie” value=”″></param> <param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”></param> <embed allowscriptaccess=”always” height=”81″ src=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”100%”></embed> </object>  <span><a href=””>Wasmachine show on with Lazer. 16022011</a> by <a href=””>Plattegrond</a></span>

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