Author Archives: plattegrond

Legions of Speedcore/ DDSL/Vestas/Del_F64.0/Lik de Kikker & more

Wed 02 Okt, Occii

Poortgebouw, Rotterdam

Shoko Nagamachi Poortje Herrie from fcr on Vimeo.

12,13 Juli- Vestas,Del F64.0, Abraham Wurstkessel at Kili, Berlin

22 May- Poortje Herrie #7★Colloid, Alpha Decay,Vestas Trio ★Zad Kokar & Les Combi Beyaz★Duke S.★

Plattegrond Soundsystem at

Vestas /// Abraham Wurstkessel /// Del_F64.0 /// Zustand D. + Guests live on Tour 2.3 – 30.4.

Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam, Basel, Lausanne, Geneve, Munich, Bamberg, we´ll see, prepare for total damage & posttrocorepalyptisch Mathrassialsexparty until we die // This preofacional videoclip does not contain any longboard – Pure avocado users delight temple fahshion week gratuis shit work . Hit us up if you want us to bring some riot beats to your area frank[at]plattegrondx[dot]com


21 December Occii

VESTAS 2018 Tour